Charaka Award
Project Detail
"A physician who fails to enter the body of a patient with the lamp of knowledge and understanding can never treat diseases. It is more important to prevent the occurrence of disease than to seek a cure." Pearls of wisdom from the Father of Medicine Acharya Charaka born in 300BC, the first physician to present the concept of digestion, metabolism and immunity, who considered the heart to be the body's controlling centre and who authored the medical encyclopedia Charaka Samnita which till today has a very high standing in the field of medicine.
How apt a name chosen for the Award dedicated for Outstanding Medical Service instituted by RCG that has years of yeoman service in the health sector. Service in the avenue of health sector has been the forte of RCG over the past decade and prominent amongst these has been the state of the art dental camp that is being conducted by us for the last 15 years.
Community health service has always been one of the leading avenues of RCG, No wonder than that RCG has taken this initiative to recognize clinical excellence with an aptitude to service - a rare combination - of an individual in the field of medicine.
The first recipient of the Award last year was Dr. Ajeeth Mullaseri of Madras Medical Mission and RCG takes pride in bestowing the 2nd Charaka Award to be presented today - on the 29th of June, 2015 to another absolutely deserving candidate - Padmashri Awardee Dr. Mohan Kameswaran - whom we shall soon hear about The Charaka Award In Recognition of Outstanding Medical Service.